Saturday, 20 December 2014

Another one done and dusted

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I am proud to announce the release of my new book Daniel Jones Doom the long awaited sequel to frenzy a Daniel Jones story. As you can see by the header above I have inserted the links to the book for my readers not just in the U.K but In America and other countries too. The book is available in digital format and at a special introduction price. Daniel Jones Doom is also available in paper back and a limited edition hard back version should be released soon. To co-inside with the release the cover price for the Kindle version of Frenzy a Daniel Jones story has also been reduced to match.

The New Year will soon be here and by February 2015 it will be four years since that day when I emailed my resignation to the company operations director explaining my reasons for giving them my notice. It was still the height of the financial crises and the world was still on a tight rope. The world order could have collapsed into a frenzy of mayhem (and it may still!), but I was determined to become a author, and now four years later I have two books published that are available for sale in over twenty countries. 

By the time the date arrives where I can celebrate my fourth anniversary as an author I plan to have started writing my next book. It will be the third in the Daniel Jones series, and I plan to keep to the fast pace unique style of writing that my readers have come to love. New characters will arrive and like the previous two books a beloved character will go. No one character is safe from the author’s cut, even Daniel Jones himself, because I don’t want the books to become predictable.

The last four years have been full of lows and highs, but to be truthful there have been more lows than highs. In fact for any author that’s new it’s a constant struggle to get established. For every high I would say there are ten low points; a constant stream of rejections, no shows and failures. I’m still not there and have a long way to go, but as Sir Winston Churchill once said. ‘Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is perhaps, the end of the beginning.’

So I still have a long way to go and probable that’s the best part of it because I still have plenty of dreams to follow, and hope, like one day seeing my books on the big screen, and according to some reviews for Frenzy this could be a good possibility one day. But until that day arrives another of Churchill’s quotes is in my head. ‘My rule of life prescribed an absolutely sacred rite smoking cigars and also drinking of alcohol, after and if need be during all meals and in the intervals between.’

So with this in mind I’m heading to my local pub the Fat Cat and Canary  at lunch time because my football team, Norwich City F.C are playing away at Derby County, and it’s live on the Television. So I don’t care what the health lobby say because if it’s good enough for the great man Churchill then it is good enough for me.


P.s As this is the last post before Christmas I just want to wish you peace and joy during this festive season and to remember the true power of Love.

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Christmas Frenzy

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It's a hectic time of year for anyone with a young family as we hurtle through this festive season. Every single group seems to want to put on something special to celebrate Christmas, and with the school there seems to be something different every week that needs to be done because of some event they are putting on. From the Christmas fair, nativity plays, parties, there is always something we have to make for the children, or send them to school in some special clothing. When you add on all the after school clubs like Beavers, Guilds, football, athletics, music, it goes on and on, and so does the stress and expense for us parents.

Gifts for the stalls and prizes for the draws, cakes and costumes for the shows, and then there is the taxi service as you shuffle not only your own children, but others too whose parents can't do it because of work reasons, or they just can't get any child cover for their other children. By the end of Christmas it leaves us looking towards the New Year and hopefully a short break before the school term begins once again.

Schools in Norfolk close on the 19th and all the clubs my children attend stop as well as the wonderful volunteers who give their time for free get a well-deserved break. Then the real excitement begins as they both wait eagerly for the big day. My daughter may be too old now to truly believe in Father Christmas, although not that old she will totally dismiss it, but my son is still a firm believer in the power of Santa.

As the verger at the parish church the little ones still know the true meaning of Christmas as a time to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus, and that it's not just a time for self-interested consumerism. The local schools' naivety plays were held within the church building, and we will hopefully find time to visit one of the two Crib services on Christmas Eve. My daughter will be singing in the church carol service a week on Sunday with the whole family attending, and it's during moments like this that the real spirit of Christmas fills your soul with joy.

I think if you celebrate Christmas although you consider yourself a non-practising Christian, then you should try out just one of the many different types of services held over the festive period, because it just adds a little warmth within your heart during these cold nights and days.



Saturday, 6 December 2014

Here comes 2015

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As we hurtle towards 2015 and January looks at us with all its winter glory we can’t but help to take time to not only look forward to what may happen in 2015, especially with New Year  Resolutions,  but also backwards to what happened in 2014. We all do it even if it’s only for a few brief moments, and it’s almost impossible to escape it in the media from news shows to papers, to magazines and even the radio will host a series of retrospective features about the last twelve months.

There is still Christmas to look forward too, and this weekend the family will be putting up the tree and festive decorations. Traditionally since the children have been born they will help the dear wife to dress the tree, while I’m outside up the step ladder setting up the lights. We don’t go made with the decorations especially the outside ones, but we do like to dress the house in a tasteful manner. We also like to use things that nature provides for free this time of year. So I will go on the hunt in the local area for holly and other bushes that are in fruit with an assortment of coloured berries. And of course we also have mistletoe which we normally buy from Norwich Market.

We also use Christmas cards we receive to decorate the home. We tie some string on the walls and hang them on it. Even in this day and age of the Internet with digital x-mas messages we still receive about 120-140 traditionally printed cards. They make a wonderful site with all the various designs, and shapes, and many different themes. It also cheers the heart when you sit there looking at them, and think how lucky we are to be thought of by some many people that they will take the time to pay for, write out, and then post a card to us. The children now get a lot from their friends and they will spend an enjoyable afternoon writing their own ones out together.

I’m hoping after the recent deaths in the family that the Christmas factor with all the decorations and general jolliness of this festive period will lighten the mood that has depressed my heart over the last two months. I also have the up and coming release of Daniel Jones DOOM the sequel to my last book FRENZY a Daniel Jones story to look forward. Two years of hard work will hopefully be on sale by the 1st of January 2015. 

The publishers have stated the book is now at the printers and that the digital version will be available for sale on Kindle soon. Frenzy came out in just hard back and digital, but this time Daniel Jones DOOM will be out in paperback as well as the other two formats.  After the success of Frenzy a Daniel Jones story not just in the U.K but also in America, Canada and even non English speaking countries like Germany I am confident that Daniel Jones Doom will increase even more the fan base for my style of writing. So once 2015 arrives I will then be starting my next book and in a years’ time I hope to still be writing my blog here at always-hanging-around, and that you the readers from all around the world will still enjoy reading it.



Friday, 28 November 2014

And before you know it Christmas will be here.

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No matter how much you try to ignore the on rush of Christmas which seems to run from the 1st of October to the 1st of January if you are to believe the adverts in the media; the harder it becomes as the first few adverts that appear becomes a deluge before the big day arrives. For the children it's the time of year for writing their Christmas list and which will keep them occupied, and happy, on a rainy Sunday afternoon as they ponder the delights of the presents they want.

Now as they get older the days are gone when colouring pens, books on Bob the Builder and fairy stories, or small cars and simple board games topped their lists. Now it’s mobile phones, iPads, a pet dog, gaming machines plus all the games that go with them and money too. The more time they sit, nice and quiet, scribbling away the longer the lists becomes, and the more poor old Santa Claus will have to work over time to pay off all his elves.

This change didn't happen slowly as the years passed, but came about this year. Suddenly that little baby you once cuddled in your arms becomes a little child, and then suddenly they become grown up children, and before you know it they will be teenagers. I ponder to think what their lists will be like then. Maybe Santa will have to exchange his poor little old slay for a gleaming new big four by four to carry all those gifts? Now that would be a present indeed and one Father Christmas truly deserves! Of course there is always the mince pie and sherry (a big double measure) for him to look forward to until that day arrives.

Today in the U.K we have been hit by a shopping craze that first appeared a year or two ago and this year has hit the nation like a fist in the face. It was imported from America and that is Black Friday. The media have been hyping it this year to the point where at 00.01 am this morning people were fighting in the shops in a mad Frenzy to get to shelves so they could spend their money. Police had to be called and in some cases the shops closed so the whole point of the exercise was lost. 

Are people mad? Or are we as a species doomed? Or maybe we are both, and thus doomed to destroy ourselves because of our own madness? 

Read Frenzy a Daniel Jones Story an the upcoming sequel Daniel Jones Doom and you may just find out the answer.



Friday, 21 November 2014

The turn around begings

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Slowly, very slowly I have have been climbing out of the pit of despair. On Tuesday the burial was held for my niece's child that died during child-birth. The ceremony was held at St Micheal's Church in Oulton Broad. A medieval church that when constructed would have been in a rural parish, but is now on the edge of a major town of Lowestoft that has spread up to it since the 70's.

It was a cold, but sunny day, and the doom could be felt by everyone that turned up. It was a simple service, but one that allowed everyone present to shed their grief. I have now been to two family funerals in the space of two weeks. One a secular cremation for my step-father, and the other a church burial. I must admit that although I shed tears during both ceremonies, I do find a church service more powerful that a secular service. It doesn't matter if you are buried, or cremated, after the church service; I just find that with a religious service when the priest stands there, and talks about the after life, you have more hope that there is a point to life than if you are just there, and here about the good points of somebodies life, which is all they do during a secular service.

Either way it's still two moments in my life I wished I could avoid, but as the saying goes; 'the only two things in life you can't avoid are death and taxes.' This sentence out of all the famous sayings, or words of advice, or doctrine is probable the the most truthful thing of all time. It doesn't matter what religion you believe in, what faith you have, or if you are an atheist, there is no escaping the fact that life comes down to paying tax, for most people, and then death.

I'm sorry if I sound pessimistic today, but when you suffer two deaths in  family as close as ours, within seven days, that's how you end up feeling. But then again the family can be more powerful than the tax man, and more powerful than death; because the family lives on from one generation to the next. And that is the whole point of life.



Friday, 14 November 2014


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I think the new front cover to Daniel Jones DOOM the sequel to FRENZY a Daniel Jones story sums up perfectly the mood I have been in all week. I don't know why, but this week has been the worst so far after the death of my step-father William Cassidy. I felt terrible sadness after his death, but this goes beyond that, I just can't describe it. If you have been through this grey gloom then you will know what I mean. It's hard to put a finger on the one word that can show how you feel, but a horrible feeling it is.


There I have been sitting at home in self-pity when I was forced to go out. Two funerals had been booked for the Parish Church and as I'm the verger I had to go, and set everything up. So on Thursday morning just after 11 am I arrived to be greeted by a young stranger. He was friendly, but looked out of place standing there in the church with a can in his hand. As other members turned up I found out more information about this chap. Apparently he had arrived a day or two before, and was homeless. He had slept in the porch way of the church and looked in a sorry state. He left the church for the funeral and returned after it, sitting on the back pew with his can of drink in his hand. 

I was locking up and stopped by his side as he sat there silently, starring into the oblivion. I was on my way to the cafe on River Green just a few doors down to get something to eat for my lunch. I asked if he eaten today, and then said if he wanted to come with me I would get him something to eat as well. He looked pleased as punched and within a couple of minutes we were talking away. On our arrival I ordered some food to take away and we sat down at a table as we waited for the order to be prepared.

Then he bleed his heart to me. I asked about his life and he let the flood gates open. He was 26 and was in a terrible mental state. He already had various children from various women but never saw them. He had run up rent arrears and admitted to a violent temper that had got him into constant trouble. So I asked the next obvious question. But why?

Then what he told me put my self-pity, and myself in general, into its true place. I thought I had it bad dealing with Tadger's death, but it was nothing, absolutely nothing compared to his life. He was psychical abused by his dad, and even worse his was raped until he was taken into care. Now for anyone who knows about the British care system for children it can be a hell as bad as which the poor children are taken from. The next twelve years of his life seemed to be a constant hell. He had tried to committee suicide at various times and showed me his arms with its many slash/knifes marks.

This Friday there was another funeral and when I arrived to get things set up once again my young friend was there. Once again he kept out of the way of the service. Afterwards the men of community had a talk with him, Us men had got into action, We knew he couldn't spend the winter months sleeping rough, in the the church porch or on the street, and so men had been in contact and things were arranged.

Afterwards I took him out for a quick drink, and talk, in the Rushcutters. Then he headed back to the Church Porch for hopefully his final night. A bed had been found in a hostel, although he didn't want to go I explained it was just a small step in many steps that he will need to take in getting his life back. He had had bad experiences in hostels, but this time there was a difference, this time he had men by his side to help him. Not people there to exploit him, but men there to help him.

And this whole experience brought home how lucky I have been to have certain men in my life, like my step-dad, who have been there for me when my luck has failed me. And this is why the dedication in Daniel Jones DOOM reads as follows.

This book is dedicated to Dennis King, my father; to William Cassidy, my step father; to David Cragg, my father-in-law; and to Andrew Bagshaw, my friend. Four men who have had a positive influence on my life that I shall never forget.



Sunday, 9 November 2014

The proof read.

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Life has to get back to normal quite quickly even after events that leave you in a state of shock. Within days of my step-dad's funeral I received back from the publishers the manuscript to Daniel Jones DOOM the sequel to FRENZY a Daniel Jones Story. It has been type set in the format ready for publishing and I have to go through it, line for line, to check for errors and proof read the story.

At the same time the first design for the front cover also popped into my email account. It wasn't a hard process as I already had in my mind the picture of the cover. I wanted to keep it simple like the cover for Frenzy and in the same style. The only difference was I wanted the main back ground cover to be a silver tint in place of gold.

It only took two attempts by the designer and it was done, and below you can be the first members of the public to see it in the world. The proof reading is a bit of a slog because you can't have any distractions. You need to focus on every word. That means no television or radio in the back ground, and more importantly no children running about with all the noise they make, even when they are trying to be quite. 

I would like Daniel Jones Doom to come out for general sale by the end of the year, so need to get cracking on because as the adverts on the television prove; Christmas is only around the corner and the year is fast approaching its final swan song. Before you know it 2014 will turn into 2015. So next week I will be working hard to finish the proof reading, and nothing can be allowed to get in my way, including decorating my son's bedroom. So the wife will have to put on her old jeans and T-short and get covered in paint.

Now that's one job I don't mind not having to do.



Friday, 31 October 2014

Two stabs at the heart

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last Sunday was my birthday and all I wanted after the recent events was a quite family get to together in my home. My step-father had passed away the previous Sunday and with his cremation service only a few days away I was in no mood for celebrations.

Then I received a call from my sister just after I had opened all my presents and cards while in bed with my wife and two children snuggled up by my side. She was in tears and her voice struggled to release the news she had for me. My niece had lost her baby. She had been pregnant and it was a small ray of light on the  low horizon of doom that had engulfed all our lives recently. My sister would have become a granny for the first time and my mum would have had her first grand child. The child's birth wouldn't have taken away the pain my mum is going through in loosing Tadger, but it would have a least soothed her agony.

The service on Tuesday went to plan with plenty of people attending and the wake at the Kind Alfred pub was a traditional British affair. I thought that after this I would be able to cheer myself up and start to get back to some sort of normal life, but how wrong have I been again. The numbness just won't go away and it's a struggle to leave my home at the moment. Tonight my team Norwich City F.C are playing Bolton at Carrow Road with the game being beamed live on the television. Normally I would be looking forward to having a Friday night out with my friends afterwards, hopefully celebrating a home win, but I just don't fancy it. I'm going to drive to the ground and carry out my steward duties and then come straight home.

How things seem to be going at the moment I expect Norwich to loose the game. In fact I don't care what happens tonight, all I care about is being with my family, especially the senior members because my life seems to be hurtling along so quickly before I know it they will all be gone, and then my time will be up.



Saturday, 25 October 2014

Name change

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My Step-father's cremation will take place at 10.30 am in Gorleston next Tuesday the 28th. Afterwards a wake is being held at the King Alfred Pub in Carlton Colville. That was the easy bit to sort out, the hardest bit has been contacting all the firms, and organisations, that hold his details and which either need to be changed over to my mums name, or deleted completely. My mother is in such a daze at the moment she's unable to carry out the simplest of tasks so I have taken on the duties of sorting out the bureaucracy. 

And what a merry-go-round has this been!

All the bills and documents are in my step-fathers name as is traditional for that generation, so I phoned them up, and with every one of them I got through to that annoying number system. "please pick one of the following six options" then after picking one hoping it would put you in the right direction you then hear again "please pick one of the following five options"; and just as you thought you might get through to a human I got through to a third set instructions, "please pick of the following three options". I found it so frustrating because after going though it all you were then asked to talk to a computer which asked me to give personal information as a security measure, and as I didn't know this information because it went to the grave with my step-father I couldn't go any further. I would have to start the whole process again hoping if I pressed a different number option I would finally get through to a human voice who could help me.

In most cases once I was able to speak to someone they were able to do what was required and occasionally I had to send off a copy of the death certificate; although I must add the worst institution was the Television Licence office who refused to do anything over the phone and insisted everything has to be done by snail mail. Their attitude was what you would have expected in the 1940's.

What was most upsetting about the whole process, and also the most worrying, were the mistakes made by the people at the other end of the telephone. As an example my mother received a letter from a government department that had been contacted which stated "Dear Mr Cassidy we are sorry to hear about the loss of Mr Cassiday! So I would have to go through the operation again to get the mistakes corrected. I have been encountering problems again and again as the changes we requested to be made start to filter through the system. As the saying goes with computers "you put garbage in you get garbage out."

If you think about the billions of bits of information that are added to computer systems of one sort or another around the world on a daily bases. If you then factor in the high percentage rate of mistakes made by the people who are inputting this information, and which is never corrected, since electronic systems started to take over our lives thirty years ago, it does beg the question.

If so much of what is held on computers is corrupted should we place so much faith on what we are told in this digital age?



Friday, 17 October 2014

William Cassidy

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My mobile phone rang around 6 am on the morning of Sunday the 12th October 2014. It was on the floor next to my bed as I slept. Before I even answered it I knew it could only mean one thing because no one phones you at that time of morning unless they have something major to tell you. Still half a sleep my voice had a tremble in its wake as I answered its ring with a simple word "Hello." 

My auntie was on the other end and she was straight to the point. "Tadger has passed away." That's the nickname my step-father William Cassidy has been known by for many years and which morphed into the character Badger in both Frenzy a Daniel Jones Story, and also in  the sequel Daniel Jones Doom that comes out later this year. 

I couldn't say much and within the minute the call was finished, and then my tears began to flow. The wife could sense what had happened and followed. The grief that wafted through our bedroom woke up my daughter who came into our room concerned. She kept asking what was wrong and when I finally steadied myself enough to tell her the news it sent her into a fit of crying and howls. Finally all the commotion woke my young son and he too came into our bedroom asking what was wrong. When we told him his reaction was totally different. He turned without saying a word and then walked calmly back to his own room, climbed back into bed and then hid under his sheets, refusing all requested to come back.

We all handle grief and sad news in different ways, but the one constant is that it feels as if our own world had changed for ever.

The wife and I, and the children had visited Tadger the afternoon before he passed away in the James Pagent Hospital in Gorleston. Two weeks that's all it had taken! Two weeks after being diagnosed with cancer. That Saturday night after our visit to see him there was a terrible thunder storm that sent out lightning flashing across the sky, and as I stood looking out of the kitchen window I knew something was going to happen within the next 24 hours that would cause me a lot of pain. It reminded me of the scene that unfolded when Jesus died on the cross and I knew then that God was coming to take my step-father's soul back to where it belongs.

This week has been terrible, but I have been thankful that William Cassidy has been part of my life. At the time when I was only my son's age, and my parents divorced, I found it just as hard then as I do now to cope with the loss that I now feel; but since my late teens I have been grateful, and have considered myself very lucky, to have two mums and two dads. Tadger never had any children of his own so I was always treated as his only son. I've appreciated this fact even more since I have two children of my own because they have had the luxury of having at some point in their lives six grand parents who have shown them nothing but love.

I have handled many funerals at the local parish church and one constant you always hear during the service is when adults stand to say a few words. They normally lament, and wished, they had spent more time with the person that now lay in the coffin next to them. This is one thing I won't have to say because I have always enjoyed family life and have tried over the years to spend, and do as many things as possible, with all my family.

All I can say to all of you out there who are reading this blog is that you never know when the thunder storm is heading towards someone you love. So go and enjoy their life now before it's too late.



Friday, 10 October 2014

Horror society

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The last seven days my life has resembled a horror story as my step-father gets weaker by the day. We took the children to see him and it was hard not to cry in front of them. I thought it apt that my latest review was published on the web site, With my mind so preoccupied with family affairs I for once was stumped on what to writer about; so I though it fit to post the review onto today's copy of always-hanging-around.

For the last few days I have lost interest in going to the gym, surfing my on line sites like Twitter, Facebook, linkedin etc and even going out in general. That's the thing with cancer, it effects not only the person involved but all their loved ones as well. What has really got to me lately are the constant adds on the television from various organisations linked with cancer trying to get your money. What a con they all are. As I stated in one of my first ever blog posts cancer is an industry that has consumed billions of pounds over the last 120 years keeping hundreds of thousands of people in employment and with all of this humanity is no closer to solving this problem than the Victorians. But then again do we really want to find a cure? The only way to stop cancer is to stop cells dividing and as that's the building block to all life the person who has this knowledge will then have power over all living things on this planet.

Now that's a horror story yet to be invented.


FRENZY a Daniel Jones Story

 8 1 1 2

There is always that first book that starts off a new genre which will lead over the following decades to many off shoots and spin offs from it. Just think of Graham
tThere is always that first book that starts off a new genre which will lead over the following decades to many off shoots and spin offs from it. Just think of Graham Stoker’s Dracula that first brought Vampires to the Victorian reading public, and which today is as popular a theme as ever, especially for T.V. From Roberts Louis Stevenson’s Dr Jekyll and Mr Hide through, to Zombies, to Werewolf’s, to killer dolls; they all started from a very first book. With FRENZY a Daniel Jones Story we have a new genre in the Over-seers which will over the coming years lead to numerous copycat stories.
Without giving the game away about who, or what, the Over-seers are the focus falls on the top quality of the story telling. There are 220 pages with every one packed with a vivid writing style that paints a wonderfully clear picture in your mind as the story unfolds. The first dramatic chapter is just one and half pages and sets the scenes perfectly. After this you are introduced to Daniel Jones a teenager full of confidence in the path his life is going to lead until he stumbles over the terrible truth about the Over-seers in a chapter so gory you will wake up in the night in a cold sweet. A new ruling class that are treated as the saviours of humanity, but Daniel knows the truth, and the Over-seers know he knows! He has no choice but to go to the run to save his life, and to protect his family. Near to death he is saved by Gwendolyn, a fiery girl of similar age, she introduces him to Mary who becomes the mother figure within the trio.
The adventure begins as all three are forced to flee on a journey to find the one thing that could protect them while being chased by Hunters. Groups of people who live by no laws other than the Seven Procedures and who do the Over-seers dirty work. Along the way there are moments of sheer terror and plenty of blood is spilt. The final chapter is as dramatic as the first with the whole story being a page turner that will leave you wanting more.
Mark King follows in the great writing style of Horror and Suspense novels that made Stephen King such a hit. It can be down loaded on Kindle, Nook and iTunes and hard copies can be purchased on Amazon. Recommend FRENZY a Daniel Jones Story by Mark King to your friends because it is unique in that although it is full of blood and guts; it is also great fun to read. Now you don’t get that very often!at u it is also great fun to read. Now you don’t get that very often!

  8  1  1  2 

About Mitchell Wells

Mitchell Wells
Head Freak in Charge of Horror Society. Self proclaimed Horror Movie Freak, Tech Geek, love indie films and all around nice kinda guy!! - Email Me HERE

Friday, 3 October 2014

A smack on the nose

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There were so many different things I could have chosen this week to talk about on always-hanging-around. The week started of badly when I pulled a muscle in my back why jogging at the gym and then on Monday I couldn't get to sleep. I'm working my way through the editor's copy of Daniel Jones Doom and it was in my head. I laid in bed thinking about it while tossing and turning. I finally got out of bed at 12.30 am, and then spent the rest of the night sitting in the lounge with the laptop on.

Tuesday didn't get any better. I was exhausted, but had to help with a funeral service at the the parish church before heading to Carrow Road the home of Norwich City F.C to carry out my steward duties. I work in the away section and that night we played a team for  south London called Charlton Athletic. Norwich played their socks off and were all over the other team. We had a goal disallowed and should have been awarded two penalties. But as I say there is always a but, and in the dying minutes of the game Charlton counter attacked and scored a goal. The away fans next to me went wild and I could feel the anger winding up inside. By the time I got home I was ready for bed but the lights didn't go out until midnight and then the dear wife didn't feel too well so by 1.30pm we were both up again. In fact I didn't get another nights sleep so by Wednesday afternoon I was at least 14 hours short of what I would have normally enjoyed.

It could only get better I thought, but once again the but came in, and how wrong was I! 

I got a phone call with some news. It concerned my step-father, someone who I am very close to. It was to inform me that he had liver cancer. He had been ill for some months and looked more poorly by the week, but the news was horrendous. It was a smack on the nose as hard as I have ever suffered, and I've had the odd smack there; believe me.

My voice started to wobble as I tried to hold back the tears, but it was no good, and I had no choice but to drop the phone; it landed on my lap. My step father's name is William Cassidy although he has always been known as Tadger. For readers of Frenzy a Daniel Jones story you will know him as Badger because this character is based on Tadger. In Daniel Jones Doom the sequel you get to see more of Badger and the friendship he has with Daniel's father John. The phone call is just the first chapter in my personal story that will now unfold over the next few months. Not only for me but also for my mother, and all the other family members, and friends who love Tadger.

We haven't told the children but are taking them over on Sunday to see him. Life can be good but when you receive news like this about a loved one nothing you do seems to take away the numb feeling that take holds of all your senses. You eat but you don't taste, you drink but you don't get jolly, you look but you don't take anything in, you listen but you don't hear what is being said. We aren't the only people now going through this experience and if you are too then I can honestly say I don't know what words will make you feel any better at this moment in time.

