Tuesday 5 January 2016

Save The Island

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For my fans around the world who have read my Daniel Jones series of books, FRENZY a Daniel Jones Story and the sequel Daniel Jones DOOM, you will know that Daniel's quest for survival against the Over-seers is a biblical battle; a David v Goliath battle. As I write the third book in the series there is a battle closer to home, just down the road, that fits this Old Testament story. 

Basically there is a small community of boat dwellers who are moored on the island opposite River Green in my home town. They do no harm to anyone, and in my view they give the area a Bohemian feel that adds a unique touch, and is one of the many reasons I love living here. They stop the area becoming just another staid, and nondescript suburb of Norwich

I also know some of the people who live on the Island, and one particle person as he drinks in my local pub The Fat Cat and Canary and is one of life's lovely people. He bears no malice to anyone, and I think all the other boat people are the same. He is pictured in the below article. They are the David's of this story.

Now for the Goliath in the story. The Broads Authority are responsible for looking after the water-ways, and broads, that make Norfolk one of the most special areas of the United Kingdom. Over the last two years they seem to be constantly in the local press, and not for good reasons either. It was once a highly regarded organisation, but something has gone wrong! They are upsetting the very people they should be looking after, and that's the boating community. People have resigned accusing it of becoming dictatorial, others are taking it to court for various reasons, and now they have decided to pick on this small community of peaceful people. They are dragging the island's owner through the courts, trying to get all these home owners evicted. Why? Nobody cared until some big-wig decided it wasn't right, and wanted to waste hundreds of thousands of pounds of tax payers money on legal fees. 

The below article is just a small bit taken from the Facebook page that has been set up to help save these peoples homes, and you can access it through this Link

OK - A Review
The Story So Far - forty-one eviction notices have been issued by the Broads Authority (BA) to houseboats moored at the western end of Thorpe Island, commonly known as Jenner's Basin. They were supposed to leave by the 18th December. Some did go, many remain. In addition, the landowner, Mr Roger Wood, was ordered to remove the means of electric and water supply to the houseboats by the same date. However, that order has not been complied with for which we are very sorry.
What's Happening Now - well, those who remain at Jenner's Basin have the Sword of Damocles hanging over their heads. The BA could take enforcement action at any time but have said that they will not do anything before Christmas. That's because they think it will be politically easier in the New Year. We have set up this Group to support the residents and their right to remain. After all, houseboats have been on this stretch of river since 1922 and the landowner has a covenant granting permission for the moorings. His legal dispute is ongoing and a Hearing is due on the 2nd February. We're supporting him too - after all, Roger really is a rather nice chap. The BA want him and the boat dwellers out so they can build a shiny new marina for their Chelsea chums. Oh, in the meantime Professor Jacquie Burgess aka Granny Burgess to those of us who have received a Christmas card, has labelled Jenner's Basin a 'shanty town' and the residents 'feral' based on evidence that they do not shop at Waitrose. She's the BA Chair by the way. As a representative of the residents (self-appointed because feral people cannot read or write) I have written a letter to the BA demanding her suspension for those comments and for an investigation into allegations that she has entered into a conflict of interest with one of the BA staff. The letter is published on this Group somewhere if you want a bit of light reading. They will probably cover it up though because that is what they usually do.
WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP - share share share this Group with your chums, add add add them, email Granny Burgess and tell her how unreasonable she is being. After all, social cleansing isn't very nice. Oh, and sign our petition on Change dot org - again the link is on this Group wall somewhere. We want to build as much support as possible before Roger's Hearing on the 2nd February. He's the vanguard - we are the reserve.
FINALLY - remember this, their arrogance is their weakness. We must temper our outrage and remain the better for it. Because we are not feral, we are good people who just happen not to be going anywhere.

So please do check out Save the island Facebook page, and share it with your friends, and if there is any way you can help, or know anyone who can then please do get in contact with them. Or you can sign the petition on this LINK to Save the community on Thorpe Island.



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