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Ever now and then something comes out the blue to blow away the cobwebs and cheer up your soul. Below is such an event. I suddenly got a posting on Twitter and when I clicked the link, the below double review for my two books appeared. The more I read the more my day improved. They are two genuine reviews. Unlike the big publishing houses that can pay lots of money to get favorable reviews, the below is the honest view of my writing by a truly independent person.
So please do have a read, and also please do add this reviewers site to you site list for future book reviews, because you know at least what you read by this reviewer will be the truth.

Reviewed by Caroline Barker
Ever now and then something comes out the blue to blow away the cobwebs and cheer up your soul. Below is such an event. I suddenly got a posting on Twitter and when I clicked the link, the below double review for my two books appeared. The more I read the more my day improved. They are two genuine reviews. Unlike the big publishing houses that can pay lots of money to get favorable reviews, the below is the honest view of my writing by a truly independent person.
So please do have a read, and also please do add this reviewers site to you site list for future book reviews, because you know at least what you read by this reviewer will be the truth.
**DOUBLE REVIEW** FRENZY & DOOM (A Daniel Jones Story 1
& 2) by Mark King
I am so glad I had Mark King‘s Daniel Jones
Story brought to my attention. There is action and adventure every step of
the way in this extremely well-written post-apocalyptic fantasy series! Written
for YA, it’s an exciting and thrilling series for anybody age 14+. I was
totally gripped – a MUST-READ series!!
And the ground shook.
And the ground shook with an almighty force.
And the ground shook with such terrifying power that once
again the soul of humanity would cry out in fear tonight.
Author: Mark King
Genre: Fantasy, post-apocalyptic, sci-fi,
Date released: March 1st, 2013
Blurb: Daniel leads a peaceful life with his family
until he finds out a repulsive secret about the Over-seers, the ‘saviours of
humanity’, and his security is blown to smithereens. He enters a world where
death is the only certainty and quickly learns to kill – or be killed.
Enter Gwendolyn, with the charm of a snake and a bite that’s
twice as dangerous. People skills aren’t her thing but she knows how to survive
in a post-apocalyptic world; she’s a hotshot with a bow and arrow and can
rustle up a mean rat soup.
Mary is the only person left alive over forty. She’s not too
good at fighting but she knows where to find the one thing that could save
their lives. Only Mary can remember life before the invasion, before
humanity was brainwashed into following the procedures.
Pursued by the Over-seers, the Triclops and the barbaric
hunters, can the three brave rebels triumph in their quest for survival? The
odds are stacked against them – hold tight for a white-knuckle ride through a
landscape of devastation!
REVIEW ***** (5* RATING)
I was blown away by Frenzy! Admittedly, it has been a
while since I have read a post-apocalyptic adventure series, but
author Mark Kingdrew me in with his great story-telling skills, fantasy
and some brilliant characters. I was so hooked I went straight on to read the
sequel, Doom!
In a world, not as we know it, but only as Daniel and future
generations know, we realise that mankind is isolated in small villages, left
only alive to ‘farm’ themselves ready for what they believe will be a time
for rest and rewards in the ‘Achievement Centre’, which they are due to attend
after their fortieth birthday. This is a world, unlike anything we know now,
where humans go back to basics, with no reminders of the past, and a world run
by other beings: the Over-Seers!
The story gives the reader a true sense of what it is like
to be Daniel, describing his home life, daily routines and reactions perfectly.
There is no holding back from description when it comes to Mark King‘s
terrific writing. The reader is truly drawn in, feeling every moment as Daniel
Daniel is a great, young character, living in a hut with his
family, and being able to live off the land, felling trees with his father, in
order to trade for food. They are living a relatively comfortable life given
the circumstances, aside from the usual lack of sanitary conditions and few
clothes, etc. After all, this is all Daniel has ever known.
However, after celebrations of a friend departing to the
Achievement Centre, Daniel and his young friends decide to wander whilst
playing a game. During this turn of events, Daniel discovers something so
incredibly horrifying about the Over-Seers and the future of his human friends!
Even more terrifyingly, he is found out, and now has no choice but to run for his
life throughout the desolate lands, for he simply cannot return to his village
and safe haven of his family.
Not only does he fear the Over-Seers, and the prospect that
they could attack his family if they are aware of just who he is, he has to
outrun human hunters and the terrifying, ground-trembling Triclops! His
insubordinate and mischievous actions have landed him in a horror he has never
known. His only slight relief comes when he meets survivors Gwendolyn and Mary,
who work with him in an attempt to save humanity!
Initially, Frenzy was a story I would have
recommended to 11+ readers, however after learning the secret as Daniel did,
and the sheer shock, horror and gore I quickly changed my mind. Frenzy,
however is an exceptional read, easy to follow, yet at a nice, quick pace for
the adventure it holds. You will be hooked! I would advise it for readers
certainly 14yrs+.
Reviewed by Caroline Barker
Reviewed by Caroline Barker
Author: Mark King
Genre: Fantasy, post-apocalyptic, sci-fi, action/adventure
Date released: December 12th, 2014
Published by: Book Guild Publishing
Length: 238 pages
Blurb: Daniel’s peaceful life has been destroyed after
discovering the hideous truth about the Over-seers – the new masters of
humanity. Hiding in centuries-old flint mines from Hunters and from the
terrifying Triclops machines, Daniel’s recurring nightmares lead him, once
more, into danger. With mankind brainwashed under the false hope of a glorious new
life in the Achievement Centre, he must return home through a devastated
landscape to save his father
from certain death.
Daniel reunites with two fellow fugitives – Mary and her young companion Gwendolyn – to undertake a rescue mission so dangerous that death is the only guarantee. Is it too late for Daniel’s family or is it too late for humanity itself? Daniel Jones DOOM, the exciting new sequel to FRENZY a Daniel Jones Story, is another fast-paced, engrossing chronicle of three rebels who once again risk their lives in a vividly depicted world peopled by memorable new and known characters.
from certain death.
Daniel reunites with two fellow fugitives – Mary and her young companion Gwendolyn – to undertake a rescue mission so dangerous that death is the only guarantee. Is it too late for Daniel’s family or is it too late for humanity itself? Daniel Jones DOOM, the exciting new sequel to FRENZY a Daniel Jones Story, is another fast-paced, engrossing chronicle of three rebels who once again risk their lives in a vividly depicted world peopled by memorable new and known characters.
REVIEW ***** (5* rating)
DOOM is another incredibly written, fast-paced
post-apocalyptic adventure from author Mark King. The sequel
to Frenzy, it continues where we left off with young Daniel Jones
surviving with Resistance veteran, Mary, and her young companion, Gwendolyn.
Daniel has begun to have terrible dreams after witnessing
the horrific methods of the Over-Seers. He is also aware that it is coming up
to his father’s fortieth season, where he knows his dad will be preparing for a
life of rest and rewards from the Over-Seers in the Achievement Centre. After a
life of being brainwashed by these beings his father, and the rest of humanity,
simply have no idea of the horrors that await them. It’s simply too much for
Daniel to bear; he must return to his home village to warn his family. Only
that would be difficult with the Over-Seers sending Hunters and Triclops to
hunt him and his companions down! This boy loves a challenge, and with his
friends support they are a team to be reckoned with.
Meanwhile, we learn that the consequences
of Frenzy (Daniel Jones book 1) has left John, Daniel’s father, in a
tired, weary and fragile state. Not only has he lost his son to the desolate
lands, without knowing why, he now also works alone, chopping down trees, with
no horse to pull his cart. He is emotionally and physically drained with only
the hope of the Achievement Centre to relieve him of his exhausting life.
“… but with losing his axe, his horse, and his son in the
space of two days John was not going to take any risks with his chance of
entering the Achievement Centre, and in receiving a lifetime of the rewards
that were promised.”
I am absolutely hooked with this series, longing to read the
next instalment. It is a perfect read for young adults and over, with the right
dosage of action, horror and gore mixed with great dialogue, brilliant
characters and an addictive storyline.
Will Daniel reach his village to warn his father? Or will be
captured by the Hunters, along with his companions? Is it too late for his
father to be saved? What will become of Daniel, and all of those he cares
about? This truly is a MUST-READ that I would recommend to place at the top of
your reading list!
Reviewed by Caroline Barker
FRENZY and DOOM, books 1 & 2 of the Daniel Jones Story
were provided by the author in return for a fair and honest review.
You can purchase both following the links below:-
Kindle edition Amazon US
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