Saturday 14 June 2014

Better late than never

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Frenzy for the rest of the world
Mark King on Goodreads.

I must say sorry for my late posting. On Friday the sun was shining with a cooling wind, and the cider was flowing freely. I spent the afternoon in the garden and when life is this good in the U.K you have to enjoy every moment, because all my followers around the world will know that when we get such great weather in this country it can be a rare as England winning the World Cup.

So there I was thinking how great life is? When I suddenly thought about all those poor people who have to live in misery because of one conflict or another. The news as normal is full of death and destruction especially in Iraq at this very moment. Some Islamic movement had just appeared out of no where and war has started.

There are calls in the west to bomb them, but like I always say there is always a but, we in the west have been bombing the Muslim world for the last ten ten years, and it has got us no where.

Maybe we should try something different!

Maybe we should bombard them we love instead?

Maybe we should stop telling other people how to live their lives, but instead help them when they fall down!

Instead of bombs let's send aid, food, water, medicine, shelter and most important of all friendship!

Because all of us are products of our history.

I live in East Anglia a part of the U.K that shaped the first two hundred years of American history. From the Pilgrim Fathers to the American Constitution and beyond, these early settlers had something very in common with what is going on the Medial East. They wanted to live life to their own belief, but more importantly they wanted to be able to live their life without being punished for it.

It's hard, very hard, to understand somebodies else point of view when you are in power, but it makes you a better person if you let them be free to make their own mistakes.



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