Saturday 6 December 2014

Here comes 2015

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As we hurtle towards 2015 and January looks at us with all its winter glory we can’t but help to take time to not only look forward to what may happen in 2015, especially with New Year  Resolutions,  but also backwards to what happened in 2014. We all do it even if it’s only for a few brief moments, and it’s almost impossible to escape it in the media from news shows to papers, to magazines and even the radio will host a series of retrospective features about the last twelve months.

There is still Christmas to look forward too, and this weekend the family will be putting up the tree and festive decorations. Traditionally since the children have been born they will help the dear wife to dress the tree, while I’m outside up the step ladder setting up the lights. We don’t go made with the decorations especially the outside ones, but we do like to dress the house in a tasteful manner. We also like to use things that nature provides for free this time of year. So I will go on the hunt in the local area for holly and other bushes that are in fruit with an assortment of coloured berries. And of course we also have mistletoe which we normally buy from Norwich Market.

We also use Christmas cards we receive to decorate the home. We tie some string on the walls and hang them on it. Even in this day and age of the Internet with digital x-mas messages we still receive about 120-140 traditionally printed cards. They make a wonderful site with all the various designs, and shapes, and many different themes. It also cheers the heart when you sit there looking at them, and think how lucky we are to be thought of by some many people that they will take the time to pay for, write out, and then post a card to us. The children now get a lot from their friends and they will spend an enjoyable afternoon writing their own ones out together.

I’m hoping after the recent deaths in the family that the Christmas factor with all the decorations and general jolliness of this festive period will lighten the mood that has depressed my heart over the last two months. I also have the up and coming release of Daniel Jones DOOM the sequel to my last book FRENZY a Daniel Jones story to look forward. Two years of hard work will hopefully be on sale by the 1st of January 2015. 

The publishers have stated the book is now at the printers and that the digital version will be available for sale on Kindle soon. Frenzy came out in just hard back and digital, but this time Daniel Jones DOOM will be out in paperback as well as the other two formats.  After the success of Frenzy a Daniel Jones story not just in the U.K but also in America, Canada and even non English speaking countries like Germany I am confident that Daniel Jones Doom will increase even more the fan base for my style of writing. So once 2015 arrives I will then be starting my next book and in a years’ time I hope to still be writing my blog here at always-hanging-around, and that you the readers from all around the world will still enjoy reading it.



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