Monday 15 October 2012

Joker's Monday ( Pussy Riot)

Over the weekend I was intrigued by the comments in the press surrounding the events that have unfolded in Russia concerning the now infamous Pussy Riot stunt at Moscow Cathedral. As Monday approached with its usual slow start I couldn’t help but think what negative press the Russian authorities have received in the western media.

As I sat down this Monday Morning to write some jokes on my blog I couldn’t get the image out of my head of these girls in court, and the media scrum that has followed the twists, and turns of their trial.

There seems to be two points which nobody has made a comment on. The first is that this stunt went ahead in the first place. Thirty years ago nobody in the USSR would have dared to pull off such a thing.

The second point is that thirty years ago nobody would have known anything about it in the first instant if it had taken place then. If there was even a trial at all the whole group would have disappeared into the penal system, never to be heard of again.

I think it shows what progress Russia has made since then. I don’t know too much about the country and no doubt it has shortcomings just like our own governments, but I do have one question that keeps going around and around in my mind.

If Pussy Riot has carried out the same stunt in the Vatican, or the American Congress building, or even St Pauls Cathedral in England, would the outcome have been any different?
I doubt it very much, and the girls would still have ended up in prison.
Maybe I should pull a stunt when my book is published? Maybe I should run around naked in the chamber of the House of Commons during Prime Ministers Question Time?
Any suggestins then feel free to email me at

Anyway, just to lighten the mood a bit I will finish off with a joke.

A man is sitting in the pub when he hears a bowl of peanuts on the bar saying, ‘Oooh, you really are amazing. Oooh you are lovely.’

Then the fruit machine shouted, ‘rubbish, look at the state of that haircut, and look at those socks, they don’t go with those terrible shoes.’

The barman apologised. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said, ‘the nuts are complimentary but the fruit machine is out of order.’


  1. Hi, concerning the Pussy Riot,I know one thing if they had pulled the same stunt in the American congress, they would have been linched. Lucky for them they did it in Russia. Don't forget we executed more of our own people then anybody else. Except for China and their population is three times the size?

  2. The russian bear17 October 2012 at 09:11

    You are true in two ways. We do have more freedom than 30years ago. we can travel out of country we can be more open but only up to a point. The second thing you are true about is we are still not perfect too much desent to the wrong people and you will get into much hot water.

  3. As someone who loved the Spice Girls in my youth all I can say is, go on girls give it all you have got. Girl power yes.
