Friday 14 February 2014

Ever changing relationships

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Frenzy for the rest of the world

Friends and families are always changing. Not in physical form but in the fact that people come into your life and also leave it. Friends change with your school, work place, or you just drift apart because of distance, or because you circumstances change like marriage and children.

Again family changes with distance. Cousins you may have grown up and played with move away like my cousin Kevin who now lives in Australia. Births and deaths also change the family unit. All our Grand-parents have passed away, but one day in the far future I would like to be a Grand-parent myself, and if I'm really lucky maybe a Great Grand-parent. Then you have divorce or relationships just split up.

When my wife went to her girly weekender in London recently I thought it would be nice if the children and I took the mother-in-law out for the day. We are a close family but you never know what the future holds so I phoned her up, and asked if she would like to bring her new puppy for a walk with me and her grand-children.

She was over the moon and when lunch was mentioned our Sunday had been planned out. We picked her up and then drove to The Dove public house just outside Poringland.  I always say a pub is only as good as the landlord that runs it, and at the Dove they have a very good owner. It has the feel of a traditional country pub with a nice selection of ales, but also serves good value for money food. It has the roaring fire, and wooden beams, along side a more modern conservatory.

It also has a varied mixture of animals that keep the children amused from peacocks to chickens, and horses to goats. There is a friendly mixture of locals and people like us that will travel miles to get there.

Afterwards we picked up Pippin and took him for a walk in the local woods. It was muddy although a sunny clear day with a chill in the air; then finally we ended up back at the Mother-in-laws for warming mugs of tea.

Things aren't always so rosy. There are arguments and sad times too. I know people who just don't get on with members of their family. They don't see them, never speak to them and in some cases don't even know if they are still alive. It's a shame because families are ever changing relationships which mean it can work both ways.

If a family friendship has broken down then it can be fixed again and sometimes all it takes is a phone call!



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