Sunday, 26 April 2015

The Election

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For my readers around the world you may not be aware, but in the U.K we are in the process that's leading up to a general election on May the 7th. Parliament has been dissolved so officially there is no one running the country for six weeks!

I think that's a good indication which shows who really controls things in the country because nothing has changed. In fact for a lot people employed by the state like health workers, teachers, the arm services, police etc things will be just that little bit more relaxed, and thus are running more smoothly. A bit like when you boss goes on holiday somewhere far away, and for two weeks of your working life you can enjoy your work. No more silly memos, or silly targets to worry about, or wasting time replying to silly emails, or demands for this information, or for that pointless task to be carried out.

Not much has grabbed me during the election campaign other than two things. The first is the amount of free air time the smaller parties are being given compared to what they used to get when only the Conservative and Labour were considered the natural parties of power. The smaller parties are being treating like equals even though one party has only one elected M.P (Member of Parliament) another has only two M.P's because they defected from the Conservative Party, and two of the political parties only true purpose is to ultimately see the break up, and thus destruction of the United Kingdom. Something which various Spanish Monarchs, Two Napoleons, The Kaiser, one Adolf Hitler and various terror groups from the I.R.A to ISSI have failed to do. If you including the three main political parties in Northern Ireland, with Sinn Fein as well, then only in Britain can you find the situation of having three parties who want to see the end of Great Britain as their ultimate goal. I doubt you can find this anywhere else in the world?

The other thing that has struck me is how scared all the parties are of telling the truth, especially when it comes to money. The country is sinking under one and half trillion pounds of official debt. If you add in the other one and half trillion pounds of hidden debt that was kept off the state books by the previous labour government, then there is no money spend. With all this hidden debt like unfunded state pensions, government guarantees for the banks, railways and all the P.F.I projects that need to be payed for I don't think anyone should be talking about taking on any more debt.

As the government is supposed to be by the people for the people then this means all that debt has to be payed by each tax paying individual. If you divide three trillion by the numbers of working people paying tax then we are all sinking into the shit very quickly, and its just about up to our nostrils.

Every party is promising to spend anything from an extra eight billion to fifteen billion on the National Health Service which is very quickly turning into a self feeding money monster that is out of control. That's fine if we had the money, but when who ever we owe that three trillion too comes calling for us to pay it back, the only thing the N.H.S will be able to offer if you fall ill will be a plaster.

Never mind I will be doing my bit for democracy on the day by not only voting, but also volunteering to carry out the vote counting on the Thursday night. I have to start at 9.30 in the evening and will work all the way through until the sun shines on Friday morning. I'm then in again at 1.30 on Friday afternoon to help count the votes for some of the local elections which will be taking place at the same time as the general election.

We might moan about all our politicians, but if you don't take part in the democratic process in one way or another then you can't moan about the bastards you get in power.




Friday, 17 April 2015

He or She?

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The sun was out and spring was in the air. I had the urge to get out into the brightness while at the same time I had the urge to write. So I decided to get the garden umbrella out of its winter storage in the garage and to sit at the garden table with my laptop.

There was a chill in the wind so I had a light jacket on, but when the sun appeared you could feel the warmth on your face. If you closed your eyes you could image laying by the water's edge on a hot day enjoying the cool shade of the beach umbrella. Once the laptop was up and running I opened up Daniel Jones Revenge and read the first chapter. Once I was finished I thought about the second chapter, but my mind wasn't focused on the job. I kept thinking about the new story that I have in my head. Should I make a start on it? Bugger it, I did. I opened up a new page on Word, gave it a title and just started to type. The words came out of me like a steam train out of a tunnel and four hours later I had written ten pages.

For the following three or four days I got caught up with the day to day routine of family life so no further writing was completed. Then I decided to keep Thursday clear to carry on with my new story. I still haven't decided at present if to write two books at once; with the sequel to Daniel Jones Doom plus my new mystery adventure, or just concentrate on the one book.

I decided to go for an early morning run at my gym. Forty five minutes of being in my own world with my iPad shuffle to keep me company; while I was pounding away at the revolving rubber floor was just the perfect tonic to clear my mind. But! Yes there is always a, But. As I slowly increased speed and the sweat began to seep from my flesh something flashed into my mind.

When I wrote those ten pages it introduced the main character as a man. Then I thought, 'What if he became a she?' Should the lead person in my story be a women and not a man. Suddenly the whole outline of the story started to change and with all the possible different outcomes. My mind began to buzz. Then I started to wonder if I could write as a women. That might sound silly as I have the two female characters of both Mary and Gwendolyn in both Frenzy a Daniel Jones Story and Daniel Jones Doom. But this was different. Could I see the whole story through the eyes of a women? As a man could I understand life through the female form? The more I thought of it them more I believed he should become a she.

Well I've decided to give it a go. I'm going to rewrite the first ten pages again, but this time the lead character will be female, and then I will compare the two together, and see what happens. Because at the end of the day we are all different as individuals, but at the same time we all share the same basic desires and wants in life.

I think it will be interesting. So watch this space to find out my conclusions.



Sunday, 12 April 2015


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It's been a funny old week. Easter Sunday was a traditional affair with the family visiting the local parish church for the service followed by an Easter Egg hunt for the children afterwards. Then we headed over to the Mother-in-laws for a traditional British roast lamb lunch finished off with evening tea and hot cross buns. 

With the children still on their school holidays it's been a frantic week of events which came to ahead on Friday. In the morning after a visit to the gym I headed into the city. I was asked to appear in a promotional video that was being filmed. A clever chap I know call Paul Rudd has invented a new board game called Di-monds. He has produced the prototype and an app and now is in the process of raising funds via crowd funding to get it into production.

The filming was a laugh. It tells the story of how Paul came up with the idea while out walking his Rabbit. Yes you read it correctly, a very large black rabbit called Geoffrey! When he got home he put his idea into practise by making a rough copy out of a card board box, and any bits or pieces he could find including a mint. While testing the new game with others in his local pub a chap who works at City College Norwich said he would make Paul a proper version of the game. He only wanted a bottle of vodka in return and the above pictures are the finished product.

later on some one else designed an app for the game and now the crowd funding is the next step. Once it starts I will post the link here and on my other media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc and would ask that you support Paul in bringing Di-monds to production.

Geoffrey the rabbit makes an appearance, not the real one but an electronic one. In a way it could be another product in its own right? You never know! In years to come the newest rage to hit the toy shops could be Geoffrey the Rabbit and you could be seeing people walking abut the streets with rabbits in toe.


Mark King


Saturday, 4 April 2015

In two minds

Postings every week

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Easter week is upon us. The children are off school so any thoughts of finding quite time to write goes out the window. In fact finding any time to yourself just disappears like the white blooms of the cherry tree after a gust of wind. But on Thursday I did just manage to find a couple of hours to myself at lunch time.  The children were at their grand-parents and I had the house to myself.

Now sometimes when you suddenly find yourself on you own all the things you planed to do at such a time seem to vanish from your mind. You could do this or do that and your head starts to spin until it's empty. This is what happened to me. I should have sat down at the dinning table with my laptop, and started writing the next chapter of Daniel Jones Revenge the third book in my series. But I didn't!

I decided to be decadent and to take a lunch time nap, a siesta, sleep or what ever word you may call it in your own country.  We lead such double quick lives now, always on the go, and we can forget about the real luxuries of life. Taking a midday break from this world as we close our eyes and let ones mind drift off to another plain is one of them.

I put the cat outside because the last thing I wanted, while I laid down, was for the cat to think it was time to get some fuss. For her to jump up onto my chest purring as she paddy-paws my belly while I gently stroke her head. I turned the phones off so that I wouldn't be disturbed by some stupid call from India asking if I knew I could make a claim on a car accident I never had two years ago. Everything was in place. There wasn't even anyone outside mowing the lawn or hammering away at some D.I.Y project in their shed. I even put out a note on the front door just in case there were any deliveries; asking them to leave any packages at the house next door. 

I closed the bedroom door and laid my head on my pillow. Even the temperature was just right, cloudy outside so not too hot, but warm enough to be comfortable. I could feel my muscles relax. I cleared my mind. I felt sleepy and could feel myself drifting off. Where too I did not know or care about. I then sensed the sun must have made an appearance because I could feel the extra warmth on my face and the darkness of my sleep suddenly became bright.

And then it happened!

It popped into my head. It was as if someone had instantly down loaded into my mind a whole new story, like plugging a memory stick into a computer. It wasn't anything to do with Daniel Jones Revenge, but something totally different. The whole damn thing from the first scene in the first chapter to the very last scene in the final chapter; even the lead characters name and the title. It's nothing like the Daniel Jones series but a work of fiction based in the present and in the genre of Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. My head started to buzz as my thoughts jumped from one chapter to the next, and for 30 minutes my mind was on a high that dispelled any hope of sleep. Eventually I couldn't take anymore and had to get up, and make myself a cup of tea. 

Since then you would think it would be as easy as just sitting down and getting the story out of my head, but as I say there is always a but, it hasn't. The last two days have left me in turmoil. You see, it takes at least two years of very hard work, and personal commitment, from when you very first start writing to actually getting it into print. So this is the dilemma I have faced. Do I put the Daniel Jones series of books on hold for at least four years as I concentrate on this new story, and thus risk loosing my fan base as they drift off to other author's? Or do I concentrate on getting the next book out after Daniel Jones Doom and take the risk of never getting the new story published?

So I have been in two minds ever since. One minute taking the pragmatic view and deciding to concentrate on Daniel Jones Revenge, and then the next my heart jumps with the thrill of writing something totally different. So when in doubt do nought and as it's Easter nought is what I'm going to do. On Saturday I'm going to my local at The Fat Cat and Canary and take the advice of Doctor beer. The prescription is always enjoyable although the after effects always aren't.

Of course I could write two books simultaneously?

