Saturday 12 July 2014

The school visit

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Once again my latest posting is a day or two late. It's not because I can't be bothered, but the total opposite. My life at the moment is a constant stream of activity. As an example on Tuesday morning I paid a visit to Meadow Primary School in Lowestoft. 

It all came about when a teacher from the school made contact to say that her son, who was a pupil at the school, had read FRENZY a Daniel Jones Story and loved it so much he had asked the school to get some copies for the library.

I was over the moon and replied that one day when I was famous I would visit the school. She replied with the words, " that's fantastic when can you visit as soon as possible?"

A few more emails flowed and before I knew it a date has been set for a visit to Meadow Primary School in Lowestoft in the county of Suffolk.

The closer it got to the school visit the more nervous I became. I had not done something like this before and the nerves began to creep in. I didn't know what to expect and more importantly I didn't know what would be required of me. I didn't know if I could even keep a group of children excited enough for an hour or so, or if they would even know who I was.

I turned up and Mrs Fletcher the teacher who I had been emailing was there to greet me. Her welcome was so friendly it bowled me over. There was a photographer there from the local paper and the two of us were led into a large room. I expected to speak to just a hand full of children, and there were just that number in the room;.Then behind us came a child holding a chair followed by another, and then another, and then another, and then even more.

Before I knew it the room was full with over sixty pupils and teachers from the whole of year six. The sweat started to flow down my cheeks while the panic within me darted from head to toe. Once everyone had settled down I gave a short history of my life; then Mrs Fletcher settled down the children down once more, and then asked, "has any one got a question to ask Mr King?"

Well so many little arms shot into the air it took me nearly forty minutes to answer them all. Then a girl asked me for an autograph, and then it went crazy. The children swamped me and I had to be rescued by the teachers.

Once again the excitement bubbled over and when the children had been settled down for a third time I read some chapters from the sequel to FRENZY a Daniel Jones Story. The children all  gathered sitting on the floor as I read chapters from Daniel Jones DOOM. They loved it and after I had finished they came for more autographs. Finally some of the children read out loud stories they had written, and it was only the threat of the final bell that brought the whole proceedings to an end.

Although I had been then for only two hours I was knackered, but more importantly I felt uplifted.

When people moan that teachers have it too easy they don't know what they are talking about.

By the end I left a copy of my book to give as a prize to the children and the school has asked me back to present it to the winner during a school assembly. So in the next week or two I will returning to Meadow Primary, and to tell the truth this time I will be looking forward to it with all my heart.



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