Tuesday 14 August 2012

The Artist

It could be a strange coincidence or maybe we all have a guiding hand in life, but we just don’t know it or we just can’t see it. I needed someone to help bounce my chapters off and Dangerous John stepped into the breach, then I had this idea about having some illustrations within my finished book. But where was I going to find an artist who had the skill to complete the illustrations, and for free?

Sometimes there is only one place to find the answers to many a conundrum and that is the pub.

It was the end of May in 2011 and I had over the last four weeks settled into a regular routine of writing from Monday to Friday then meeting with John down my local on Friday evenings where I would hand over that week’s work and collect the previous weeks writing.

I would note John’s opinion over a few beers and this would set me up for the following Monday.

It was during this Friday evening while I stood at the bar; I was introduced to a fellow drinker and we chatted as easily as the beer flowed. We had both taken a big leap in changing our career paths with Kevin following his dream by becoming a mature art student at university.

By the end of the night a deal had been sealed.

He would complete the illustrations and in the near future I hope my book will make him a famous artist.

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