Friday 9 August 2013

The School Holidays
FRENZY a Daniel Jones story by Mark King

It's that time of year when parents around the world dread the most! Yes the summer school holidays. Six and bit weeks of holiday that came about in early Victorian times when universal education of children started to spread around the world, but children were required, and expected, to help bring in the harvest. It didn't matter if they lived in big city's; children were shipped with their family on mass to the country side to pick fruit, hops and vegetables.

Well we don't have children working the fields anymore as legislation has put paid to that, and if it hadn't then modern farming machinery would have made them redundant anyway. One thing they didn't make redundant, but which most parents wish had been after six weeks of trying to keep the modern child entertained is the summer school break.

It can cost a small fortune in trying to keep your pride and joys happy, but there are a few things which you can do as a family which don't cost a lot or any money at all. One of these is going for a bike ride and as the weather has been just wonderful recently this is just what the family did.

We set off and all went well for the first half an hour until the youngest of the brood started to moan his little legs were tired. Conveniently we had come to a stop at the entrance of the Oasis Health and leisure club and at the end of their drive is Harry's bar. The prospect of a cold drink started to wet the mouth buds of the family, and the thought of a cold beer for me was a temptation I couldn't resist on such a sweltering hot day.

For the next two hour hours the wife and I sat outside on the patio over looking the grounds of the club while the children ran free making new friends at the same time. It was lovely to say the least and so were the drinks.

Once the sun was setting in the distance we pushed our bikes home, happy, relaxed, and with a nice bottle of rose wine in hand which I had purchased from Harry's bar. So the bike ride wasn't as cost free as I had hoped, but what a wonderful afternoon the whole family had together.



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